Abstracts of the International Equine Science Meeting
Organisation: Dr. Konstanze Krger, University of Regensburg Department Biology I, Zoology,University of Regensburg, Universittsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Target group: Biologists, Psychologists, Veterinarians and Professionals
Meeting target: Because the last international meeting on Equine Science took place a couple years ago, there is an urgent need for equine scientists to exchange scientific knowledge, coordinate research provide knowledge for practical application, and discus research results among themselves and with professionals who work with horses. Additionally, dialog concerning the coordination of the study Equitation Science in Europe is urgently needed. Coordination and cooperation shall arise from the meeting, enrich the research, and advance the application of scientific knowledge for the horses welfare.
Date: 3rd - 5th Oktober 2008 Topics: * Equine Ecology * Equine Sociality * Equine Learning * Equine Cognition * Equine Welfare * Horse Training * European wide study course Equitation Science